Open Your Heart, Find Yourself: Opening yourself to all the possibilities brings you exactly what you need

“Only from the heart can you touch the sky.” – Jalal ad-Din Rumi

I used to love the phrase, “The sky’s the limit” until I shifted my thinking to unlimited possibilities. That phrase instantly became less meaningful because the sky is not high enough. In recent soul-searching, I ran across the above quote. I absolutely adore how Rumi’s words are timeless, and how even the shortest phrase can have such a monumental impact, so much so that I shifted my entire perspective. I believe that life brings us exactly what we need, when we need it – that is easy for me to incorporate into my thinking. I can even use several different methods to help others understand that logically. However, I noticed recently that when I brought myself out of my logical mind and back into my heart and my passion, more doors began to open.

So, I asked myself, “What’s that all about?” I confess limited knowledge of the Law of Attraction; I have not studied it and probably will not get to reading about it for a while, yet I think I have a basic understanding. When we find our own happiness, lead with our hearts rather than our logical or analytical processes, we find and follow our passion. When we believe in what we do, in any area of our lives (business, personal, relationships, family, volunteering, spirituality/religious practice) we attract to us exactly what we need. If we are focused on negativity, the past, fear or other people’s problems, we experience negativity, repeat patterns, create blockages and attract people who are no good for us and drain our energy.

Stop to think about this for a moment. Without re-living your past, think about a time when things seemed to go wrong all the time, so much that you felt like you couldn’t catch a break. Do you remember how you felt, how you thought, your attitude about life? Do not linger there, do not analyze, just observe and note how you felt. Now, remember a time when you felt amazing and good things were happening all around you. You might have even had seemingly random opportunities plop right into your lap. Maybe you had the most amazing romantic encounter ever. Perhaps the dream job you always wanted landed in your path, and you accepted it. Possibly a series of incredible events converged to bring one very positive outcome. Notice the differences between the two sets of circumstances. Which do you prefer? I know which I prefer, and would choose it at every opportunity.

When you felt amazing, incredible things were happening around you and life was great, which happened first? Do you believe that stuff happened and then you felt great, or do you believe that you brought those wonderful circumstances and people to your life because you were in a good place in your life? We could probably have a “chicken or egg” discussion here, but let us assume that good things come to us when we are living a passionate life, and we feel good about what we do, who we are, and the people we have chosen to accompany us on our journey. In any case, good things seem to breed more good things.

“You are a creator; you create with your every thought… You are attracting the essence of whatever you are giving your attention to – whether wanted or unwanted. And so, you often create by default.”  – Abraham-Hicks

Regardless of whether you subscribe to the Universal Law of Attraction, everyone can benefit from answering the following questions:

  1. What makes you feel happy? Make a list, write a note, whatever format you choose, but write it all out. Whatever it is that makes you feel happy inside, write it down. It could be something so simple as a color, a smell or the sound of children laughing. Notice if any of the things that make you feel happy have anything to do with you. Do you externalize your “happiness” or do you choose activities and experiences that you can create yourself?
  2. What stirs your passion? Do you love music, theatre, flowers, sports, hiking? Do you feel passionate about helping others, cooking, writing, race cars? Whatever it is, write out all of the things you feel passionate about.
  3. If you could have the life you want, how would that look? Write down your ideal life. Aim as high as you wish. If your ideal life seems absurd to your rational mind, write it down anyway. If you want to run off to the mountains to write a book, live on your own island, travel the world, get married, have 2.3 children and live happily ever after, whatever it is, write it down, all of it.

Now with your happy thoughts, passion and ideal life in mind, observe how you feel inside. Do you feel positive, or are you hung-up on the “impossibilities” of getting what you want out of life? What do you need to do to get the life you want? What keeps you from getting what you want and need?

I invite you to make one small change. Every time you find yourself thinking there is no way you could ever achieve what you want from life, STOP immediately and take a breath. Picture holding the negative thought in the palm of your hand, and send it away. Blow it away, toss it or brush it away; just be done with it. Shift your focus back to what makes you feel happy, passionate and on the path to your ideal life. When you come back to the happiness only you can create and the simple things that bring you joy, you align yourself with your purpose, which keeps you inside of your heart. Only thru the heart can you touch the sky. How profound. Open your heart and reach as high as you wish.

Blessings. Gratitude. Love.

About powerstrengthgrace

I lay out my intention for this blog: to share my experiences with others and direct my clients here for their personal growth. I hope to show the reader that one can be mindful without having to go to extremes. Balance and simplicity are key, and I have learned that valuable lesson time and again. About me: First, I am a mother. Secondary, but also very important: entrepreneur, fitness professional, business woman, writer, public speaker. I live in the DC metropolitan area and have created a fulfilling life for myself and my children. My career path has been interesting and varied. I have worked in research & management for a telecoms association, managed health clubs, consulted on housing market development in third world nations, and finally, have become self-employed in corporate wellness and private lifestyle management coaching. I hope that you take something with you every time you visit, and I thank you for sharing with friends, co-workers and family members.
This entry was posted in Abundance, Alone Time, Celebration, Closure, Comfort Zone, Conflict, Core Belief, Determination, Encouragement, Exercise, family, fitness, Forgiveness, Friends, Girlfriends, Help, Infidelity, Inspiration, Integrity, Jobs, life coaching, lifestyle management, Listening, Love, Luck, Manifestation, Marriage, meditation, energy, chanting, workout,, Money Management, Motivation, natural medicine, New Beginnings, Passion, Patience, Peace, personal growth, Physical Exercise, Pleasure, Power of Receiving, Power of Words, Procrastination, Relationships, relaxation, Respect, Responsibility, Self Improvement, Self-Help, Smile, Spirit of a woman, spirituality, Stress, The Four Agreements, Think Big, Truth, Uncategorized, Visualization, Weight Loss, women, Yoga and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

12 Responses to Open Your Heart, Find Yourself: Opening yourself to all the possibilities brings you exactly what you need

  1. Yoli Fae says:

    I haven’t read the book on The Law of Attraction either. Yet, I do believe that we attract what we put out in our words and thoughts. I love this blog:-) Thank you for sharing.
    Yoli Fae

    • Thank you, Yoli Fae! I appreciate your kind words, and we absolutely attract what we “put out there.” A very good friend once told me that we should expect what we accept. If we accept that we should be mediocre, low-income or unhappy, then we should expect that outcome. If we accept nothing but our best effort, highest aspirations and a life filled with passion and purpose, then that is exactly what we should expect. It’s a perspective shift. Keep the comments coming – they keep me going. 🙂

  2. Jerry Lavey says:

    Tracy – Another good one, proving once again the power of positive thing. It can change not only our own lives but the world. Jerry

    • Thank you, Jerry! I recently told someone that I believe I am changing the world, a little every day. We all can make big changes by doing something so seemingly simple as changing the way we think. Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Great post today thanks I really enjoyed it very much.

    Please Recommend and Share – The Leaves are Changing

  4. Living in the possibilities of life – BEAUTIFUL place to be – for I so love living in my passions for life. I approach life with gratitude and appreciation. My passion is my inspirational website for women

    You wrote a wonderful post my friend on the Women of Facebook and I agree totally with what you are saying here! I also love the Rumi quote you used, “Only from the heart do you touch the sky.”….. Timeless and Priceless!

    May the possibilities of today excite you!

    • Thank you, Nancy! I am so excited to check out your website! I am also excited to be a part of a growing community that supports, encourages and empowers women (and all people, really) to take the leaps of faith, to feel that support all around us and face our fears. I have been so inspired by a number of Rumi poems over the past 2 years that I finally ordered one of his books of poetry. Everything he wrote is timeless and applicable, and so full of life and light. What a blessing.

      I hope you have an amazing weekend!

  5. Hello Tracy,
    May I ask which of the Rumi poetry books is your favorite – for I love a good recommendation…..thank you for checking out my website and know that I am grateful for your words of inspiration. Will start following you my friend,

    Love, light and bliss,

  6. Hi Nancy,

    I have only read bits and pieces, and was inspired to buy a book this week, which I hope will arrive in the next few days: The Book of Love: Poems of Ecstasy and Longing

    One of my favorite yoga instructors reads his poetry on occasion, and a dear friend of mine has posted numerous poems on her facebook page. I can’t get enough, and I love the idea of living in bliss/ecstasy and passionate longing. I have learned over the past couple of years to love myself in a way that not only empowers me, but gives me hope for my future, that of my children, and those whose lives I touch.

    Thank you for following me, and I am equally grateful for your words of inspiration (I read something you wrote on The Women Of Facebook and left feeling lighter and brighter)

    Blessings. Gratitude. Love.

  7. This is a wonderful post! I am thinking I will make copies and give one to each person who is at the Christmas tree with me this month. You and I are definitely on the same page—I have written about dreaming (daydreaming) and how important it is to allow for some of that. This is one way that we can find out about ourselves-what are our visions for ourselves, our wishes, longings. Here is one way to determine what goes on the list you suggested above, or, in the written description of one’s ideal life. Early in writing my blog, I did a post called How’s The Fit, meaning that your life should ‘fit you like a glove’ or as nearly close to that as possible. I am in favor of encouraging oneself; if the experience is like an ill-fitting garment that this should be paid attention to, not just ignored in favor of the shoulds.

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